Islamophobia and Other Dubious Pastimes

The other day, whilst scrolling through the vast foliage of confused statuses and duck faces that is Facebook, I came across an advertisement for a page that I had not seen before. A scary page. A page born out of the darker recesses of social media. A page full of prejudiced, fascist, narrow-minded people who feel that it is appropriate behaviour to demean those from … Continue reading Islamophobia and Other Dubious Pastimes

Who’s Afraid of the F-Word?

Let’s go through the feminist checklist: Are you a human? Are you in possession of some form of genitalia? Would you prefer your life to not be confined and constrained by the nature of said genitalia? If you said yes to all three: congratulations, you’re a feminist! Please feel free to revel in your freedom to vote, have safe sex and dance to something other … Continue reading Who’s Afraid of the F-Word?