What grinds my gears: Revision and Exams

  As all Year 13 students will tell you, examinations are the toughest time of the year. It is a time where all your knowledge will be judged, assessed and graded by an external invigilator. This person, who knows absolutely nothing about you, your style of writing or intellectual ability will be set loose on your paper and will deconstruct it in a way they … Continue reading What grinds my gears: Revision and Exams

What grinds my gears: driving annoyances

In the Sixth Form, learning to drive has always been the subject of much conversation. The pleasure of freedom, the ability to drive anywhere, anytime and to destinations far and wide across the country is liberating. Learning to drive, on face value, is almost certainly a thing to look forward to. And you do look forward to it – until you actually get into the … Continue reading What grinds my gears: driving annoyances