The Labour Partition

“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light,” said Plato, some two-thousand years’ ago. With its split between those who argue that socialism is what the electorate needs and those who argue that progressivism is what the electorate will take, the Labour leadership contest is a bit like … Continue reading The Labour Partition

The Easter Essay: Does politics matter?

Walking around a town, a person can see that each body seems to be doing and thinking different things. Two women might burst from shop and into a street, talking about their dinner last Sunday with Audrey, left arms weighed down by awkward bags, right hands gesticulating about the air. With his mother drifting behind him, thinking about the day and gazing at a distant … Continue reading The Easter Essay: Does politics matter?

Terrorism, National Security and Surveillance

Most recently ISIS burnt a Jordanian pilot alive in a cage. Nobody will refute that the people who lit the petrol on the man are barbarians. Similarly, nobody will deny that the men who attacked Charlie Hebdo were immoral people – much worse, even. Of course terrorists are bad, so we should realise the irony of President Obama’s saying, like a fat Soviet leader, while … Continue reading Terrorism, National Security and Surveillance