Film Review: Beyond Clueless

Courtesy of Abbeygate Cinema, Deputy Editor Molly Stacey reviews the teen movie about teen movies: Charlie Lyne’s Beyond Clueless.  In the decade that passed between the plaid-clad debut of Cher Horowitz in Clueless, and the death-by-bus decimation of the Junior Plastics in the final scenes of Tina Fey’s Mean Girls, Hollywood seemed to be an infinite cache of red cups, bitchy cliques, sexual awakenings and Freddie … Continue reading Film Review: Beyond Clueless

Teenage Tales of Money, Murder and the Middle Classes

  Amidst the product placement, the shiny stadiums and Adrian Chiles arsing around on a beach, clips depicting deprivation and destitution have occasionally punctured the opulence of the World Cup’s coverage. The momentary flashes of the faces of the favelas hint at the abject poverty that arises when LEDCs such as Brazil sacrifice those at the bottom of the social scale in order to compete … Continue reading Teenage Tales of Money, Murder and the Middle Classes

Who’s Afraid of the F-Word?

Let’s go through the feminist checklist: Are you a human? Are you in possession of some form of genitalia? Would you prefer your life to not be confined and constrained by the nature of said genitalia? If you said yes to all three: congratulations, you’re a feminist! Please feel free to revel in your freedom to vote, have safe sex and dance to something other … Continue reading Who’s Afraid of the F-Word?