Migrant Crisis: What Migrant Crisis?

There is no migrant crisis in Europe or the Middle East at the moment; there is a refugee crisis. People who call it a migrant crisis clearly do not know the difference between a migrant and a refugee. A migrant merely moves from one place to another; whereas a refugee leaves his home in order to escape war, persecution or disaster. That there are millions … Continue reading Migrant Crisis: What Migrant Crisis?

Gove’s Guantanamo English Classroom

Whilst the rest of us are getting on with our lives, and Gove is getting on with his education reforms, the American Government is getting on with one of the things it does best: torturing terrorists. It’s no secret that Guantanamo prefers to interrogate its residents in ways that leave no visible marks – convenient for the Americans and inconvenient for human rights lawyers –  … Continue reading Gove’s Guantanamo English Classroom